Thursday, May 7, 2020

Episode 13, Nausicaa

Homer's Odyssey:
Nausicaa's meeting Odysseus is described in Book VI of Odyssey. She is the daughter of Alcinous, the king of the Phaeacians. After taking leave of Calypso, who has freed Odysseus according to the wish of Zeus, Odysseus sets out with his men homewards. They sail for 17 days, when Poseidon realising what is happening sends out a storm which destroys his raft. Odysseus escapes with his life, swims and reaches the shores of the land of the Phaeacians. Meanwhile the goddess Athene appears in Nausicaa's dream, urging her to go with her maids to the river and wash her fine cloths. Nausicaa does as she is bid. After the clothes are washed, the girls play ball. The ball runs off and lands near the bush where Odysseus is resting. He comes out of his hiding, greets Nausicaa, who informs about herself, her father and their country and invites Odysseus to visit the palace. It is there on being entertained by the royal king, Odysseus narrates his adventures.

James Joyce's Ulysses:
Joyce used the name Nausicaa to refer to the 13th episode/chapter of his Ulysses. A far cry from the Joycean style in the preceding episodes, the tone of the style here is one of over -sentimentality. The very first sentence, the summer evening had begun to fold the world in its mysterious embrace, sets the tone of the entire episode. Bloom has come to the Sandymount strand. Three girls - Gerty, Cissy and Edy - are sitting on the rocks, not far away from where Bloom is sitting. In the church nearby, the men's temperance retreat is being conducted. The sound of the Litany of Loreto being chanted in the church, is interspersed with the thoughts and wishful thinking of Gerty regarding the stranger watching her. As night falls, a firework display starts from the distant Mirus bazaar. Description of this firework display in the distance is mixed with the description of Bloom's masturbating while he watches Gerty.
It is 8 p.m.

Selected Highlights of Episode 13 in Ulysses for the Uninitiated:
1. Sayings from Ulysses explored/explained:
- The summer evening had begun to fold the world in its mysterious embrace  (13.1)
- . . . in very truth, as fair a specimen of winsome Irish girlhood as one could wish to see.(13.80)
- (though Gerty would never see seventeen again) (13.172)
- . . . and snatched a half kiss (the first!) but only the end of her nose . . . (13.203)
- A delicate pink crept into her pretty cheek . . . (13.360)
- which had a good enough colour if there had been more of it  . . . (13.475)
- Ah? She glanced at him as she bent forward quickly, a pathetic little glance of piteous protest, of shy reproach under which he coloured like a girl. (13.741)
- Tight boots? No. She's lame! O! (13.771)
- Was that just when he, she? (13.847)
- Buy from us. And buy from us. (13.1124)
- AM. A: (13.1264)
(Episode.Line numbers in brackets above are according to the Critical Edition of Ulysses by H. W. Gabler, 1986)

2. Illustrations:
- Watercolours by Catherine Meyer

3. Links to
- The lyrics of the song, Tell me, Mary, how to woo thee, written. by F. Morrison and published in 1828
- The chanting of The Litany of Loreto

And much more!

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